Friday, November 20, 2009

Document Security...

As a company it is very important that utmost security is maintained for all documents physical or digital. There are many large, medium and small firms generate physical documents that range in hundreds or thousands of documents everyday. These firms, mainly include banks, hospitals, education institutions. Mainly firms that deal with large number of people. As I have a publishing background I am quite familiar with security solutions available for the publishing world as well as some familiarity of the Document World.

Digital Security
In the publishing world the security concerns mainly hover around security of content. Mainly related to rights of content. Now there is ample inclination towards also maintaining security of physical assets (meaning documents in terms of electronic file formats. Now that the world is getting more and more digital it is imperative that all data that is transfered, transformed and stored is secure in all aspects.

Digital security in terms publishing world is mainly and widely termed as Digital Rights Management. This includes encryption, secure storage and secure distribution.
  1. The encryption for the publishing world is mainly in the form of encrypted ebooks either to be read on the Portable Devices or Online.
  2. Secure storage is must as rights is directly related to content. It is amply important to maintain highest level of security for documents to be stored, as a un-secure storage is an open world to Piracy
  3. Distribution requires that the content leaves the storage location and travels up to the end users reading environment. Which means that data needs to be secure at all stages from the source to the destination. It also means that the content is kept secure on the readers destination.
In the world of documents, the documents are mainly stored digitally for easy retrieval purposes (using indexed data) and to give away with large spaces that are used up to store documents. However it is also important that all security aspects of storing and retrieval data.

The data needs to be secure right from the creation stage right up to the storage of the data. Data creation in most cases is just indexing of data. This data is stored in document management system for easy retrieval on based on the indexed data. The document management system can be as simple as one index field retrieval to extremely complex indexed data that can be stored in Enterprise Content Management Systems. To take it forward some ECM also provide services such as creating copies, editing, automatic versioning as well as rights based access to content.

In both cases that is Book Publishing and Document Publishing the main aim seems to be moving away from paper to a paperless work flow.

As Digital "Instruments" are getting smaller, the digital storage is getting more complex, Or is it we are making it complex...

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