Saturday, June 26, 2010

ePUB Packaging

Umpteen times I have seen, heard or read, about how to package an ePUB.

A Wikipedia link actually details about the ePUB format as well as the packaging:

However what it does not explain is the answer to the question: I selected all my files and created a zip out of it, renamed it as .epub but still it doesnt work?

Here is the structure of the ePUB package (right out from the Wikipedia article).

--ZIP Container--
If you have created a zip and it has all the above components and still it does not display as an ePUB file. These are the things that probably have gone wrong.

1) You have created a zip of the folder containing the files. If this is the case get inside the folder, select all files and create the zip.
2) You have done the right thing with creating the zip file, yet it does not display the ePUB file, perform this action,
  • Ctrl + A to select all
  • Click once on mimetype to de-select it
  • Click mimetype to select it
  • then create the zip
Whenever you open the zip file using Winzip or Winrar the mimetype must be the first file. And yes don't zip the folder zip the contents of the folder (after making sure all the necessary components, ie files and the content within the file is as per the standard)


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